Quiz Content

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. The most significant distinction between insanity and automatism are as follows (there may be more than one correct answer):

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. What is the correct definition of 'mind' (as in 'disease of the mind'):

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. In which of the following would D satisfy either of the two M'Naghten cognitive tests for insanity:

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. Which of the following would be a basis for automatism?

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. Which of the following would be the basis of a plea of automatism for a diabetic defendant:

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. To which of the following would self-induced automatism through insulin, alcohol and failure to eat generally provide a defence to a diabetic defendant:

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. Which of the following represents the Majewski rule in intoxication?

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. The ratio of Kingston [1994] is as follows:

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. D is charged with murder and claims that he mistakenly acted in self-defence. At the time of the offence, he had consumed several pints of beer. Which of the following represents the law:

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