Web links: Chapter 20
Coverage of Parliamentary Proceedings
The coverage and reporting of parliamentary proceedings by the media has declined significantly. The BBC iPlayer has an archive of events in parliament (though these can also be found through Parliament TV), as well as some interesting In Conversation broadcasts with politicians such as Shirley Williams. You can also follow it on twitter @BBCParliament. The BBC News pages have a section devoted to news and analysis on Parliaments (note: this also includes the devolved assemblies and the European Parliament). BBC Radio 4’s Today in Parliament provides a useful summary of parliamentary proceedings each day (23:30-24:00, when Parliament is sitting), as does The Week in Westminster. Both also have a very extensive archive of podcasts to download. Nick Robinson’s Political Thinking show also includes interviews with well-known politicians. Listen to his interview with Caroline Lucas who explains what it was like to be the first Green Party MP in the Commons.
For coverage of forthcoming parliamentary business have a read of Mark D’Arcy’s The Week Ahead in Parliament which offers an interesting and timely analysis of each week’s business. This is particularly useful because it concentrates not just on business in the Commons and Lords chambers, but on committees as well.
Other instant coverage is provided by Westminster’s group of political commentators on twitter. See for instance:
@parlyapp : founded by Tony Grew
@EstWebber: BBC reporter Esther Webber
@JimWaterson: Political Editor at Buzzfeed UK
@DArcyTiP: BBC Parliamentary Reporter Mark D’Arcy
Parliamentary Press Gallery
You can find out more about the parliamentary press gallery on its website. It hosts a list of members of the gallery as well as brief historical overviews showing its origins and development.