Created by the Arab League in 1964.
(Arabic: shaking off or uprising): Name used by Palestinians to refer to their uprising against Israeli occupation that began in late 1987. Also used in reference to another uprising (the al-Aqsa intifada) that began in September 2000.
UN peacekeeping forces stationed in the Sinai Peninsula following the Suez war.
Founded in September 1960.
(Hebrew: National Military Organization): Founded in 1937 and led by Menachem Begin in 1941. Often considered a terrorist organization, it was committed to taking almost any action that brought about the creation of the state of Israel. The Irgun particularly viewed the British as the major impediment to Jewish statehood, and it carried out a series of attacks against British interests, most spectacularly the blowing up of the British military headquarters in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, as well as against Palestinians. It was dissolved by the Israeli government in 1948.
(Hebrew: Lovers of Zion): Society formed primarily in Russia that organized the first aliyah to Palestine.
Voting body of fifteen member states of the United Nations, including the five permanent members (United States, Soviet Union/Russia, China, Great Britain, and France), where each of the five can veto proposed resolutions. The passed resolutions, which apply to events and circumstances worldwide, are consecutively numbered, such as UN Security Council Resolution 242, passed in November 1967 and pertaining to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war that occurred the previous June.
The merger initially of Egypt and Syria into one country, established in February 1958 and lasted until September 1961, when Syria seceded.