Bellow, G., and Moulton, B., The lawyering process: materials for clinical instruction in advocacy (Mineola, New York: Foundation Press, 1978).
Bennett, W. L., and Feldman, M. S., Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom (London: Tavistock, 1981).
Bergman, P. B., Trial Advocacy in a Nutshell. 4th ed. (St Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing, 2006).
Boon, A., Advocacy. 2nd ed. (Oxford: Routledge-Cavendish, 1999).
Boon, A., and Levin, J., The Ethics and Conduct of Lawyers in England and Wales. 2nd ed. (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2008).
Evans, K., The Golden Rules of Advocacy (London: Blackstone Press, 1993)
Hegland, K. F., Trial and Clinical Practice Skills in a Nutshell. 4th ed. (St Paul, Minn., West Group, 2005).
Mauet, T. and Eichelbaum, T. (ed.)., Fundamentals of Trial Techniques. New Zealand ed. (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1989).
Murphy, P., and Barnard, D., Evidence and Advocacy. 5th ed. (London: Blackstone Press, 1998).
Solicitors Regulation Authority, Solicitors’ Code of Conduct 2007 (London: Solicitors Regulation Authority, 2007).
Napley, D., The Technique of Persuasion. 4th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1991)
Nathanson, S., Non-Trial Advocacy: a case study approach (Oxford: Routledge-Cavendish, 2001).
Stone, M., Cross-examination in Criminal Trials. 3rd ed. (West Sussex: Tottel Publishing, 2009).
Welsh, J., Brevitt, B. and Stanton, L., Advocacy in the Magistrates’ Court (Oxford: Routledge-Cavendish, 2003).
Chapter 8 Further Reading
Advocacy and the Solicitor