Chapter 3 Self-test questions

Personal Rights and Property Rights

Quiz Content

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Which of the following statements most accurately describes personal rights and property rights?

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In Hill v Tupper, why was Mr Hill unsuccessful in his action to prevent Mr Tupper from hiring boats out on the canal?

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Which of these statements is the most accurate summary of the effect of the numerus clausus principle?

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According to Lord Wilberforce in National Provincial Bank v Ainsworth, what qualities must a right have to be capable of being recognized as an equitable property right?

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Which of these statements is false?

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A, who has a legal freehold, enters a contract with B under which B is given a licence to use A's land for five years. Two years later, A sells his legal freehold to C. In the light of the Court of Appeal's approach in Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold, which of the following statements best describe B's position?

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In considering whether a contractual licence does or should count as an equitable property right, does it matter whether the courts will protect such a licence through the remedy of specific performance?

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Which of the following is the most accurate description of the difference between a contractual licence and an estoppel licence?

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