Chapter 12 Self-test questions

Concepts and Contexts

Quiz Content

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Which of the following four factors can make land law disputes particularly difficult to resolve?
(i) Land is a limited resource;
(ii) There may be multiple competing rights in relation to the same piece of land;
(iii) The disputes may involve important matters, such as occupation of a home;
(iv) The disputes may involve two innocent parties.

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Is it right to say that, in law, 'context is everything'?

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In paragraph 12.15, two models of legal reasoning are discussed: the 'utility model' and the 'doctrinal model'. The former focuses on the practical effect of a legal rule or its application; the doctrinal model instead focuses on whether a legal rule or its application accords with other, pre-existing legal rules. Which of the following statements provides the best account of the impact of those two models in land law, as exemplified by the dispute in National Provincial Bank v Ainsworth (1965)?

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Which, if any, of the following four factors may be an advantage of reforming land law through legislation rather than through judicial development?
(i) Legislative reform can take place more quickly;
(ii) Legislative reform need not have retrospective effect;
(iii) Legislative reform will be clearer and easier to apply;
(iv) Legislative reform can be targeted to a specific context.

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How did regulation, rather than direct reform of the law, deal with the problem revealed in cases such as Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd (2015)?

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Which of the following four reasons explain why doctrinal analysis of land law important?
(i) Doctrinal analysis is a staple of the courts' approach to resolving land law disputes.
(ii) Doctrinal analysis, in seeking to identify and explain the relevant rules, can help to make the law more certain.
(iii) Doctrinal analysis helps us to see what the law is, before considering what reforms might be necessary.
(iv) Doctrinal analysis helps us to see how particular reforms might best be put into practice.

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