5a. An object that is attached to the land in such a way and for such a reason that it becomes part of the land
5b. All property that is not real property; an object which does not form part of land
5c. Any real property, having a physical form, that can be passed to an heir
5d. Intangible rights which form part of the land
8a. This type of water is regarded as forming part of the land on which it rests and landowners can do as they like with it, subject to any statutory controls under the Water Resources Act 1991
8b. Landowners have certain natural rights over this type of water: they can fish in it and they have the right to an undiminished flow of the water
8c. There is a presumption that the Crown owns the foreshore. In addition, the public has rights of navigation and fishing over this water
8d. Landowners have no natural right to this type of water
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