Quiz Content

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. In which of the following circumstances is beneficial ownership of the home not decided by the application of property law principles?

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. An express declaration of trust, which specifies the parties' respective beneficial shares, precludes a claim to a resulting or constructive trust.

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. Match each of the following transfers of land with the presumption that will be drawn as to beneficial ownership, in light of the decisions in Stack v Dowden and Jones v Kernott.

A house bought as a home and transferred into A's name; the purchase is funded by A and his partner B

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A house bought as a home and transferred into A and B's joint names; the purchase is funded 75% by A and 25% by B. A and B are married.

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A house bought as an investment property and transferred into A and B's joint names; the purchase is funded 75% by A and 25% by B. A and B are married.

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. On the purchase of a home in the sole name of a wife, which of the following would not be accepted as evidence of a common intention to share beneficial ownership for the purposes of a claim to a constructive trust by her husband?

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. Where a wife has established an express agreement to share beneficial ownership in a home purchased in her husband's sole name, which of the following types of conduct would not be sufficient to constitute detrimental reliance on the agreement?

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. Following Jones v Kernott, in which of the following circumstances is it permissible for the court to impute a common intention?

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