Chapter 9 Self-test questions

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following are examples of orders currently available under s 8 of the Children Act 1989? Please select all that apply.

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. Which of the following are courts required to consider when determining what is in the best interest of the child? Please select all that apply.

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. S 1(2A) of the Children Act 1989 creates an irrebuttable presumption that the child will spend equal amounts of time living with each parent.

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. Which of the following principles underpin the making of s8 orders under the Children Act 1989?

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. Which of the following individuals are entitled applicants with respect to s8 orders? Please select all that apply.

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. All child arrangements orders confer parental responsibility on the individuals named if they do not already have it.

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. Which of the following best applies to what was previously known as shared residence orders?

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. Following the decision in ReH-N and Others (Children) (Domestic Abuse: Finding of Fact Hearings) [2021] the court should consider whether there is a pattern of domestic abuse in deciding on s.8 orders.

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. Which of the following can be achieved through a prohibited steps order? Please select all that apply.

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. A parent with parental responsibility cannot unilaterally change the child's surname or remove the child from the jurisdiction for more than a month.

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