The Juvenile Justice System

Quiz Content

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. Throughout most of history, juveniles have been treated as either property or little adults.

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. Houses of refuge were unique in that they handled only youths.

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. The Balanced and Restorative Justice orientation for juvenile courts focus on the needs of all parties involved, including the youth and the victims.

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. Actions that are illegal only for juveniles are usually referred to as youthful offender crimes.

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. Secure detention means that the youths are put into cells just as adult offenders.

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. Judicial waiver is typically made at a hearing analogous to a preliminary hearing in adult court.

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. Actual hearings in the juvenile court are referred to as the adjudication stage.

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. Blended sentencing is a means of addressing the loss of jurisdiction by the juvenile court before youths can be adjudicated or before treatment can be completed.

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. Behavior modification is used ostensibly to teach youths about proper behavior through a system that uses role playing and group centered interaction.

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. Boot camps place youths in situations where they must learn survival skills and rely on one another to succeed.

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. The group hazard hypothesis claims that society responds to group transgressions more than to individual violations.

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. The Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) program involves using police officers to teach antigang, antiviolence lessons in middle schools.

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. The earliest institutions established to assist in the policy of helping the poor while protecting society were:

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. The first juvenile court was established in:

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. The philosophy of the juvenile court draws its basis from the:

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. Which of the following is NOT a category of a "General Purpose Clause" for juvenile courts in state statutes?

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. A special set of provisions that allows for the state to handle juveniles as adults in the criminal justice system are known as _____________ provisions.

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. Which of the following is NOT a form of self-report survey?

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. Home detention typically involves all but which of the following?

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. Under the ____________ attorneys push youths to admit to petitions in order to secure the help and assistance of the court.

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. Which of the following is not one of the four cases typically considered the most important cases for the juvenile justice system.

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. The equivalent of adult prisons in the juvenile system are ________________.

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. 11. Juvenile justice also has a form of parole, commonly referred to as _____________.

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. 12. The Boston Gun Project sought to address gang violence using a process known as:

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