Issues of Law

Quiz Content

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. Decisions that are recorded to help guide future judges when making their decisions are known as precedent.

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. Constitutional law designates government power, indicating what the government can and cannot do.

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. When two independent causes happen at the same time, it is call proximate cause.

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. An act of omission is an accident and cannot be considered criminal.

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. Establishing criminal intent is easy when someone has been harmed.

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. Habeas corpus is in place to prohibit the imposition of punishment without trial.

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. The exclusionary rule states that illegally seized evidence is excluded from a prosecution.

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. The right to counsel is covered by the Eighth Amendment.

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. Judicial review means the U.S. Supreme Court has the power to review federal and state laws to ensure that they abide by the U.S. Constitution.

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. "Mala in se" crimes are those that are prohibited, but are not necessarily bad.

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. Laws that are created by legislatures are known as:

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. A law that defines first-degree murder as the deliberate, premeditated killing of another is an example of a:

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. Which of the following is NOT a form of substantive law?

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. Offenses that do not necessarily harm other persons or property and are largely victimless crimes are called:

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. Which of the following is NOT a defense for criminal liability?

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. ____________ allows an individual to challenge illegal confinement by the government.

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. Which amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures by government entities?

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. A warrant must contain all but which of the following:

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. The Fifth Amendment covers all but which of the following?

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. A ___________ consists of a number of ordinary citizens who review the charges against an individual and decide if the charges warrant a trial.

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. The __________ Amendment covers speedy, public, and impartial trials.

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. The punishment amendment is the __________ Amendment.

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. The idea of incorporation is that:

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. The law allowing federal authorities to engage in more expansive wiretapping and other electronic surveillance is the:

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