Quiz Content

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. "Have the researchers provided a convincing justification for all aspects of the research project?" best describes ________ validity.

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. Only two criteria can be used to evaluate the merits of non-experimental studies. These include ________ and ________.

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. All of the following would be considered important for enhancing logical validity except ________.

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. Several principles are provided in the text to enable researchers to accurately cite evidence, specifically regarding the justification and design of kinesiology-based studies. These include all of the following except ________.

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. The following would be least appropriate when seeking to evaluate the construct validity of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C; assesses physical activity levels in children): ________.

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. Ada wants to maximize internal validity for her Master's study investigating the impact of a CrossFit intervention on body composition and motivation in undergraduate students. She uses all of the following strategies except ________.

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. The generalization of the intervention to other people, contexts, or time best describes ________validity.

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. Complete the following statement so that it is false. External validity ________.

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. You want to determine the extent to which Dr. Jones' claim that improvements in balance in a sample of older adults is the result of his pilates-based program (and not any other factors) is true. You are interested in ________.

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. Journal articles have commonly labelled sections (i.e., study design, participants, measures, data analysis) that provide the reader with insight into the methodological decisions made. This information assists in evaluating the ________ of the study.

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. External validity refers to a researcher's ability to claim that any change in an outcome is the result of a treatment or intervention, and not a result of other factors.

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. In order to evaluate the internal and external validity of a study, a manipulation of an independent variable is required.

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. No guidelines currently exist to assist researchers with reporting RCTs which makes evaluation of these studies challenging.

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. If previous research and literature is not cited accurately by the study authors, the logical validity of the research is extremely compromised.

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. The key to external validity is ensuring that the study sample is representative of the populations that researchers wish to generalize their results to.

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