Chapter 13 Web links
Website of Geert Hofstede with details of research on issues of National culture.
An interesting blog of ‘Blogs as boundary objects’ by Lilia Efimova.
A TED talk that discusses how important trust is in this economy of reputation building. It shows how individuals’ interactions in a more connected world that the building of trust is closely linked to knowledge sharing.
An inspiring TED talk by philosopher Onora O'Neill that discusses the importance of trust and how we need to rebuild trust in a more connected, digital world.
Sean Bolton is a designer who brings products ideas to design. Based on his interesting background he wrote this blog on boundary objects and managing knowledge across boundaries.
A few blogs about boundary spanning. Read this one and then conduct a search with the search term “Boundary spanning” to read all of the boundary spanning blogs.
Joe Firestone’s blog on conflict and knowledge management.