Quiz Content

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. To which type of ecosystem services does the Green Fluorescent Protein from jellyfish contribute?

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. In which type of biological process is water split to release electrons and oxygen?

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. Approximately how much do blue-green algae, phytoplankton, and seaweeds contribute to the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere?

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. Which type of carbon sequestration is exemplified by predation and herbivory in seagrass meadows?

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. To which group of organisms do krill belong?

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. According to Elie Metchnikoff, what is the only constant element in the immune response in the animal kingdom?

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. What was the key reason for Sir Alan Hodgkin and Sir Andrew Huxley to use the squid Loligo pealei for the study of nerve cell transmission?

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. Why are Green Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs) among the most highly prized chemicals in medicine?

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. In the 1970s, to which chemical was the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Macfarlane Burnet referring when he wrote that it had made no significant contribution to medicine and he was convinced that it never would?

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. Which organism was used in 2015 by Savery and co-workers to establish the global baseline of oceanic lead concentrations because it can provide ecosystem information across large spatio-temporal scales?

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