Regular updates on Brexit are provided on the ‘Economics of Brexit’ section of the LSE blog, and on the UCL Brexit blog.
Politico has an informative Brexit section.
For an interesting TED talk by Alexander Betts on Brexit and its repercussions, see here.
See also the Talking Politics feature on Brexit and referenda.
The CER’s regular podcast channel often features EU-UK and other future-oriented themes and is well worth a listen.
On how Brexit is changing the EU, this video by The Economist may be of interest.
The Financial Times provided a concise video overview of the Brexit deal on Christmas Eve 2020.
On the European Coronavirus response, have a look at the European Commission’s dedicated website.
For a critical look at the EU COVID-19 response, consider this video contribution by DW News (February 2021).
On climate, you may find this video timeline by the European Parliament, detailing EU milestones in this sphere, of interest.
In 2020, Ursula von der Leyen gave a TED talk on her goals for a carbon-neutral continent. It is available here.