Issues and Crises

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following describes crisis response strategies as ranging from pure advocacy to pure accommodation?

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. Which stage of the issue life cycle occurs when the negative impact on an organization becomes public and pressure on the organization builds?

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. Public relations crises like those Nike and Gap faced, when news broke that they used child labor and sweatshops, could be prevented with:

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. In which step of proactive issues management should you determine if an issue is significant or just a random occurrence?

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. In the implementation phase of proactive issues management, public relations practitioners do which of the following?

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. Which of the following is NOT one of the main groups of crisis types, according to researchers?

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. In which type of crises do publics assign minimal responsibility for the crisis to the organization?

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. Organizations that apply ________ strategies seek to absolve themselves of responsibility, while those that acknowledge the existence of a crisis but want to minimize responsibility apply __________ strategies.

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. Bolstering and ingratiation are two classic forms of what response strategy?

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. The SMCC suggests public relations practitioners should pay attention to all of the following social media users EXCEPT:

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