Web links to the major international intellectual property organisations
General links
The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (IPO) www.ipo.gov.uk
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) www.wipo.org
World Trade Organisation (WTO) www.wto.org
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) www.oami.europa.eu
European Patent Office www.epo.org
UK Courts www.hmcourts- service.gov.uk
British and Irish Legal www.bailii.org
European Union Law www.europa.eu
European Court of Justice www.curia.europa.eu
IPKat www.ipkitten.blogspot.com
Marques www.marques.org/class46/
EspaceNet http://worldwide.espacenet.com/
Kluwer patent blog http://kluwerpatentblog.com/
The IP Armour game http://www.ipo.gov.uk/whyuse/armour.htm
UKIPO’s account of the history of copyright in the United Kingdom:
The Gowers Report on Intellectual Property 2006:
The Hargreaves Report on IP and Growth:
Action to implement the Hargreaves Report:
The future development of copyright policy in the United Kingdom is discussed at:
The current list of countries which are Contracting States of the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention can be found in the Copyright and Performances (Application to Other Countries) Order 2013: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/1782/contents/made
The work of the Performing Right Society in collecting royalties for the public performance and broadcasting of music is explained at: http://www.prsformusic.com/Pages/default.aspx
The effect of the extension of the term of protection for rights in performances (and also sound recordings) is set out at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/pro-types/pro-copy/c-policy/c-policy-copyterm.htm
The artists’ resale right (including the calculation of royalties) is explained at:
The European Union Intellectual Property Office guide to designs:
The UK IPO guide to designs:
UK IPO guidance on designs in the context of Brexit:
Passing Off
WIPO’s Joint Recommendation on the Protection of Well-Known Marks can be found at:
The European Patent Office guide to patents:
The UK IPO guide to patents:
UK IPO guidance on patents in the context of Brexit:
Trade Marks
UKIPO’s account of the history of trade marks in the United Kingdom:
The Trade Marks Registry’s Examination Practice is set out in detail in the Manual of Trade Marks Practice:
The Trade Marks Registry’s Practice Amendment Notices (dealing with specific aspects of examination practice):
The Nice Classification of Goods as set out in Schedule 4 to the Trade Marks Rules 2001:
The case law of OHIM and of the Court of Justice of the EU on EU trade marks can be found at:
The web site of the Advertising Standards Authority:
Information on International Exhaustion and Parallel Importation:
Trade Secrets
European Union guidance on trade secrets:
The UK IPO guide to trade secrets: