Web links

Jefferson: Employment Law Concentrate 7e

Web links

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACAS is an organisation devoted to preventing and resolving employment disputes. This site provides information about how to contact ACAS as well as statistics, on-line guides and other materials.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute
This provides access to the most comprehensive set of British and Irish primary legal materials that are available free and in one place on the internet.

British Employment Law
A regularly updated, comprehensive and user-friendly guide to British employment law. Suitable for employers and employees as well as for lawyers and human resource personnel.

Certification Officer
Includes the list of trade unions and documents on other trade union matters.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is the United Kingdom's leading professional body for those involved in the management and development of human resources. This site provides on-line guides, policy documents and other materials.

Confederation of British Industry
The CBI is the UK's top business lobby organisation and provides information from this perspective.

Court of Justice of the European Union
A searchable database of the Courts judgments.Daniel Barnett


A free subscription service written by legal practitioners.

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
This government department works to create the conditions for business successThe website provides statistics, on-line guides and other materials.

Department for Work and Pensions

This is the government department responsible for welfare. It works with people of working age, employers, people with disabilities, and pensioners and provides services through a number of executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies.

Employment Appeal Tribunal


This institution deals with appeals from Employment Tribunals and the Central Arbitration Committee.

Equality and Human Rights Commission   
The independent statutory body established to help eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, and protect human rights. This site provides information about how to contact EHRC as well as statistics, on-line guides and other materials.

European Commission
This is the executive branch of the EU and the website provides information on daily news, the calendar, the policies, the President, the Commissioners and the services available.

European Court of Human Rights
This website provides a powerful user-friendly information system which provides free online access to the case-law of the Court.

Government Equalities Office


Responsible for equality strategy and legislation.

Health and Safety Executive
HSE's job is to protect people against risks to health or safety arising out of work activities. The website provides advice and guidance on regulations and inspections.

Institute of Directors 
This body offers support, free business information/advice and professional development services to its members in all areas of professional life.

International Labour Organisation
The UN specialised agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognised human and labour rights.

This website provides copies of all UK legislation adopted since 1988; both primary and secondary legislation is available for downloading.

Low Pay Commission
Advises the Government on the implementation of the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage. This site provides details of the Commission and its work.

National Statistics

Provides data on the economy, population and society at national and local level. Summaries and detailed data releases are published free of charge.

Protect (formerly Public Concern at Work) www.protect-advice.org.uk

The website for whistleblowers who are or were in employment.

Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal in the UK for civil cases. It hears appeals in criminal cases from England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It hears cases of the greatest public or constitutional importance affecting the whole population. Previously this role was carried out by the House of Lords.

Trades Union Congress
The national trade union centre in the UK, representing the vast majority of organised workers.

UK Official Publications
This site contains the official catalogue of UK official publications since 1980. Containing 450,000 records from over 2,000 public bodies.


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