Chapter 9 Multiple choice questions

Chapter 9 Multiple choice questions

Quiz Content

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. How much service must employees normally have to claim unfair dismissal?

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. If a qualified employee requests a written statement of the reasons for dismissal, the employer must provide one within what time period?

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. If a tribunal finds that an employer has not complied with its obligation to provide a written statement of reasons for dismissal it must order that the employee receives which of the following?

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. What is the legal effect of the ACAS Code of Practice?

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. For the purposes of being accompanied, a grievance hearing is one which:

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. Re-employment can be ordered by a tribunal only if:

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. Failure to comply with a re-employment order may result in an additional award of how much?

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. The basic award of compensation is normally calculated in the same way as:

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. The courts and tribunals have established that a compensatory award should do which of the following?

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. When must a claim for unfair dismissal normally arrive at an ET?

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