Chapter 9 Further reading


Deakin, S. and Morris, G. Labour Law: 6th edn, Hart Publishing, 2012, Chapter 5

Smith, I., Baker, A., and Warnock, O. Smith and Wood’s Employment Law: 13th edn, Oxford University Press, 2017, Chapter 7


Collins, H., “Compensation for Dismissal: In Search of Principle” (2012) 41 Industrial Law Journal 208

Collins, H., “Compensation for the manner of dismissal” (2004) 33 Industrial Law Journal 152

Collins, H., Nine Proposals for the Reform of the Law on Unfair Dismissal: Institute of Employment Rights, 2004

Sanders, A., “The Law of Unfair Dismissal and Behaviour outside Work” (2014) 34 Legal Studies 328

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