Chapter 5 Multiple choice questions

Chapter 5 Multiple choice questions

Quiz Content

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. What do we mean by a comparative model of justice in respect of direct discrimination?

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. If a local authority were to give free use of its swimming pools to all those who have reached the state retirement age, would it be guilty of sex discrimination?

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. Is this statement true: 'an employer cannot be guilty of discrimination if they only did the discriminatory act by accident'?

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. Indirect discrimination is the application of a provision, criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic – can it ever be justified?

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. 'If you make a complaint of discrimination against your employer, you may well find future promotion opportunities are blocked when compared to others who have never complained; and the law will do little to help you.' Is this correct?

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. Proving that discrimination has taken place can be a really onerous task. How does the law make it easier for claimants to take their claims forward?

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. Is it possible for an employer to specify that they wish to recruit a person of a particular sex or from a particular ethnic group?

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. Can an Employment Tribunal make suggestions as to how an employer should act in the future?

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. Can an employer can take positive action in favour of a protected group if they underrepresented in their work force

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. Is it possible to freely decide when employees should be able to have their holidays without infringing the Equality Act?

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