Chapter 4 Multiple choice questions

Chapter 4 Multiple choice questions

Quiz Content

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. 'Like all the other protected characteristics it is possible to objectively justify indirect age discrimination; like the other characteristics it is not possible to justify direct discrimination.' Is this statement true?

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. Often employees receive extra benefits for long service, like extra holidays for example. Is this allowed under the Equality Act 2010?

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. Employees under the age of 21 years are entitled to a lower National Minimum Wage than older employees. Does this amount to age discrimination within the terms of the Equality Act?

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. Is it correct to say that if an employer dismisses someone aged 65 years for reasons of retirement, then the individual will not be able to claim that this dismissal amounted to age discrimination?

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. Is it true that, in order to show that they have a disability within the terms of the Equality Act, a person has to show only that they have a physical or mental impairment and that this has an adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities?

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. In a redundancy exercise is it possible to take into account an employee's disability without it amounting to disability discrimination?

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. Are any special measures needed when interviewing a disabled person for a job?

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. The Equality Act is about making sure that women are not discriminated against when compared with men. Is this statement correct?

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. Is it possible for a white person to claim less favourable treatment under the Equality Act?

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. The Equality Act provides protection to gay men and lesbians, but not to those who are heterosexual - is this true?

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