Chapter 4 Further reading


Connolly, M., Discrimination Law, Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd edn, 2011

Deakin and Morris, Labour Law, Hart, 6th edn, 2012, 650-665

Hepple, B., Equality: The New Legal Framework, Hart, 2nd edn, 2014

Sargeant, M., Discrimination and the Law, Routledge, 2nd edn, 2017

Smith I, Baker A. and Warnock O. Smith & Wood’s Employment Law, OUP, 13th edn, 2017, 251-257, 301- 4, 324-357

Wadham et al. (eds), Blackstone’s Guide to the Equality Act 2010, OUP, 3rd edn, 2016, Chapter 2


Butler, M. “Marginalising the Objective Justification Defence in Retirement Cases?” (2012) 54 International Journal of Law and Management 375

Hambler, A., “Neutrality and Workplace Restrictions on Headscarves and Religious Dress: Lessons from Achbita and Bougmaoui

Jefferson, M. “Placing Disability Law in Context: Recent Developments” (2014) 14 (3) Web Journal of Current Legal Issues

McCrea, R. “Religion in the Workplace: Eweida and Others v UK” (2014) 77 Modern Law Review 277

Monaghan, C., “Justifying Direct Age Discrimination: When will a mandatory Retirement Age not amount to Direct Age Discrimination” [2012] Journal of Business Law 479

Sargeant, M. “The European Court of Justice and Age Discrimination,” [2011] Journal of Business Law 144

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