Chapter 11 Further reading


Deakin and Morris, Labour Law, Hart, 6th ed., 2012, 199-201, 219-224, 234-255

Smith I., Baker A. and Warnock O. Smith & Wood’s Employment Law, OUP, 13th ed., 2017, 120-123 and 624-649


McMullen, J., “Re-structuring and TUPE(2012) 41 Industrial Law Journal 358

McMullen, J., “The Developing Case Law on TUPE and Service Provision Change” (2016) 45 Industrial Law Journal 220

McMullen, J., “Recent CJEU Case Law on the Transfer of Asset-Reliant Undertakings (2016) 45 Industrial Law Journal 455

Wynn-Evans, C., “In Defence of Service Provision Changes?”(2013) 42 Industrial Law Journal 152

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