Altruism and antisocial behaviour

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. The tendency of people to be less likely to help strangers in need if there are other people present at the scene is called the

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. In contrast with early research on the bystander effect, the more dangerous the circumstance and the more clear-cut the physical danger

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. This is the ability to take another person's perspective, or to feel how that person feels.

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. This is the tendency to favour and extend loyalty to members of one's own group over members of other groups.

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. One way that dehumanization of outgroups may occur is through the emotion of

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. The tendency to offer and provide help to others in need without an a obvious reward is called

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. Researchers have suggested that individual differences in their tendencies towards altruism are

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. These causes of behaviour include physiological, biochemical and neural motivations.

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. Jackson and colleagues (2005) found these brain areas to activate when viewing images of impending pain and injury.

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. Jack decides to hold the door open for the younger children, because he knows that his teacher is watching. His motivation is:

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. Trivers' evolutionary theory of altruism is directed towards

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. In their work on the bystander effect, Darley and Lante (1968) demonstrated that the presence of others at a scene allows individuals to

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. According to Darley and Lante (1968) the most people present at a scene,

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. This term has been used to describe the effect of overexposure to trauma on the ability to maintain empathy

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. This word comes from the Latin meaning before and judgement.

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. This behavioural consequence of prejudice, involves treating members of a target group more negatively than others.

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. Stereotypes are often applied when no specific information about a person is available. If information becomes available that _ this stereotype, the stereotype may be abandoned

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. The positive stereotype of wealth may be tinged with envy, as such this may be an example of a/an

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. In-group bias have been found to exist

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. This famous study is best known for demonstrations of automatic in-group bias and prejudice against out-groups

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. Implicit bias can be reduced in people who have been exposed to various social influences such as:

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. According to Terror Management theory, individuals accomplish terror management through strengthening beliefs in their worldview and by

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. Violence is an aggression act whereby the goal is to

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. Poppy pushes another girl in her class out of the way to get to the front of the lunch queue, so that she will get her lunch first. This may be described as what form of aggression?

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. This hypothesis states that the association between aggression and testosterone in men is highly dependent on context and age

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