Social influence and attraction

Quiz Content

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. The percentage of participants that obeyed the experimenter and administered shocks to the danger level in Milgram's original obedience study was

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. When we are attracted to mates that are similar to us, social psychologists refer to it as

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. According to Robert Zajonic, it is adaptive to be cautious around unfamiliar objects and people, and to be more open to familiar stimuli and individuals. This is the hypothesized basis for the

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. In a study of the mere exposure effect using online chatting, participants who were randomly assigned to chat with the same partner for a greater number of consecutive days

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. According to research on age and attractiveness, it seems to be the case that

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. Women tend to rate highly masculinized faces in all of the following contexts, EXCEPT:

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. When people bring their attitudes and behaviours in line with what is perceived as the norm for the group, it is known as

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. This kind of influence on conformity is based on a rational desire to seek realistic information about some situation from the group and adjust behaviour accordingly.

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. This special kind of conformity results from group members not wanting to adversely affect group morale, make waves, or appear disloyal to the group leader.

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. Herman (2016) showed that people typically eat more in ground than alone. This is an example of:

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. Social inhibition takes place when we are

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. According to Deutsch and Gerard (1955) there are two types of motivations and influences to conform. These are:

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. Informational motivations are based on

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. According to research by Nolan, the best predictor of a person's self-reported conservation efforts was

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. This term explains the phenomenon when people obey to harm others

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. This famous study investigates people's willingness to inflict painful and dangerous electric shocks on a stranger when ordered to do so by an experimenter

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. In a variation of Milgram's experiment, it was found that changing the experimenter's lab coat for casual clothes led to

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. In a re-analysis of the data from 21 of Milgram's 23 conditions, Haslam and colleagues (2014) found all EXCEPT:

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. Propinquity refers to

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. According to Leary and Kowalski (1990) impression management consists of these two processes:

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. According to Sternberg (1986) love can be viewed as having _ dimensions

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. In longer-term monogamous relationships, _ tends to decline in importance whilst _ and _ tends to increase.

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. One critique of Sternberg's triangular theory is that

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. According to Sternberg and Grajek's 1984 study, the findings of a factor analysis provided the most support for what model of love?

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. According to Sternberg, the closer the match between our internal representation of love and those of our partner the

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