Clarity of communication
  1. Christopher P. Dwyer, Michael J. Hogan, Owen M. Harney and John O'Reilly (2014) Using interactive management to facilitate a student-centred conceptualization of critical thinking: a case study, Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol. 62, No. 6 (December). This academic paper reports the findings of a study of students’ perceptions of what constitutes good Critical Thinking (CT). The ultimate conclusion is that students perceive the key factor is the ‘ability to clearly say what it is you want to say’ and that all CT skills and dispositions lead up to this. This demonstrates the importance of clarity of communication in the CT process.
  2. Brick et al. (2019). Academic Success: a student’s guide to studying at university. Palgrave Macmillan. This book is mentioned in Chapter 8 in relation to a reading strategy. However, additionally it provides excellent examination of academic voice and academic writing which will contribute to your essay (and other) writing skills. In particular, look at Parts 4 and 5.
  3. Caroline Goyder (2014). The surprising secret to speaking with confidence, TEDxBrixton, November 25th, available at:
    Author and voice coach Caroline Goyder’s passion is understanding how to find the courage to think for ourselves: aloud. The secrets in this Ted Talk will help you to find confidence when all you feel is nerves. She also has a book called Gravitas, and one released in late 2020 called Find Your Voice, which are highly recommended.
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