What is critical thinking?
  1. Julia Dhar, (2018). How to disagree productively and find common ground, October, TEDtalk, Available at: https://www.ted.com/talks/julia_dhar_how_to_disagree_productively_and_find_common_ground#t-884285
    Julia Dhar explores the importance of shared reality as an approach to finding common ground even while discussing and debating, the value of conversing, demonstrating the speaking chapter in this book, and the importance of intellectual humility.
  2. Vegard Møller (2017). Critical Thinking: The Next Step in Human Evolution, TEdXyouth@Oslo, Nov 28th, Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhCMkuJuN3Q
    Møller explores cognitive biases and the role of critical thinking to overcome these in his exploration of his own thinking. “The essence of critical thinking is to argue with yourself”
  3. The Nature of Writing (2017). Ethos, Pathos, Logos, July 17th Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt_udRiOm_8 Very good summary of rhetoric from The Nature of Writing.
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