Why go to university?
  1. D’Agostino, F. (2014). Higher education is not about getting a job. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybYuN8vV2Zs . In this TEDx Talk, Professor D’Agostino explores dignity, citizenship, and democracy in relation to higher education.
  2. Allan, C. (2018). “What is the purpose of a university”, 18th April, Available at: https://www.pearson.com/uk/educators/higher-education-educators/course-development-blog/2018/04/what-is-the-purpose-of-a-university-.html
    This blog provides a summary of a panel debate university experts asking “What is the purpose of a university?” including a list of reasons to attend university.
  3. Marquet, D. (2015) Turn the Ship Around, Greenleaf: Texas and video clip entitled ‘What is Leadership?” available at: https://www.davidmarquet.com/our-story/
    In Becoming a Critical Thinker, we quoted David Marquet, a captain on a nuclear submarine who stopped giving orders (instructions) and turned instead to providing his crew with intent and allowing them to think for themselves. While this book is largely about leadership, watching the 10-minute video at the website provided will demonstrate the pervasiveness of ‘thinking’ increasingly expected at all levels of organizational life.
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