Chapter 6 Web links


Home page of the Public Law Project (PLP), an independent, national legal charity which aims to improve access to public law remedies for those whose access is restricted by poverty, discrimination or other similar barriers. PLP has three key objectives: increasing the accountability of public decision-makers; enhancing the quality of public decision-making; and improving access to justice. Its work comprises a mix of legal advice and representation, training and policy and research.


Courts and tribunals

Brief introduction to the work of the administrative court.

Introduction to first tier and upper tribunal, and links to individual tribunals.

Home page of the tribunal procedure rules committee with links to the tribunal rules of procedure.


Other organizations

Home page of the planning inspectorate that determine appeals against planning decisions.

Site of the traffic penalty tribunal that deals with parking and other motoring related appeals (outside London).



Home page of the Ombudsman Association. It also offers a portal for links to most ombudsmen sites in the UK and Ireland. It also links to a wide range of other complaints handling procedures.

Combined site for the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health Service Ombudsman.

Site of the Select Committee of the House of Commons with responsibility for reviewing, among other matters, the reports of the Ombudsman.

Home page of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

Site of the prisons and probation ombudsman - see chapter 5.

Home page of the Independent Housing ombudsman, dealing principally with disputes arising in accommodation let by Housing Associations (Registered Social Landlords). From April 2013 it took over complaints about the administration of council housing from the Local Government Ombudsmen.

Site of the Financial Services Ombudsman established under the Financial Markets and Services Act 2000. Deals with a huge volume of complaints against a large variety of financial institutions including banks, building societies, and insurance companies.


Other complaints procedures


It is impossible to list all the complaints procedures available to the public. There follows a selection of the more commonly used ones.

Site setting out details of NHS Complaints procedures which must be completed before a complaint can go to the Health Service Ombudsman.

Home page of the Independent Office for Police Conduct (formerly the Independent Police Complaints Commission), with information about its work and how to make a complaint. - see Chapter 5.

Site of the Adjudicators Office. The Adjudicator formed in 1993, the Adjudicator's Office investigates complaints about HM Revenue & Customs, the Valuation Office Agency, and the Insolvency Service.

Home page for the Independent Case Examiner, who deals with complaints of maladministration against the Child Support Agency, Debt Management, Pension, Disability and Carers Service, the Financial Assistance Scheme, Jobcentre Plus (including most Work Provider services), Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division (Northern Ireland),the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency and the Independent Living Fund.

Site of the Independent Complaints Reviewer who ICR investigates complaints about the Land Registry, the National Archives, the Northern Ireland Youth Justice Agency, and the Children's Commissioner for Wales.


European ombudsman

Home page of the European Ombudsman

European Ombudsman Code of Good Administrative Behaviour



Home page for the Office of gas and electricity markets.

Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services.

Deals with complaints in a number of different areas, including the communications industry, some aspects of property, energy or other consumer issues

Home page for the Office of Water and Sewerage Services.


Overview bodies

Introductory page linking to the Select Committees of Parliament, which keep Government Departments under review.

Homepage of the Backbench Business Committee which chooses topics for debate raised by backbench MPs.

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