Chapter 6 Further reading

Blom-Cooper, L, Public Inquiries: Wrong Route on Bloody Sunday, (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2017)


Bridges, L., Meszaros, G., and Sunkin, M., Judicial Review in Perspective (London, Cavendish, 1995)


Cane, P., Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2010)


—— Controlling Administrative Power: An Historical Comparison (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016)


Elliott, M., The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2001)


Genn, H., Tribunals for Diverse Users (DCA Research Series) (London, Department for Constitutional Affairs, 2006)


—— and Genn, Y., The Effectiveness of Representation at Tribunals: Report to the Lord Chancellor (London, Queen Mary College, Faculty of Law, 1989)


Harlow, C., and Rawlings, R., Law and Administration (3rd edn, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009)


Harris, M., and Partington, M. (eds), Administrative Justice in the 21st Century (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 1999)


Jacobs, E, Tribunals Practice and Procedure (4th ed) (London, Legal Action Group, 2016)


Lewis, N., and Birkinshaw, P., When Citizens Complain: Reforming Justice and Administration (Buckingham, Open University Press, 1993)


National Audit Office, Citizen Redress: What citizens can do if things go wrong with public services (HC 21, 2004-05) (London, The Stationery Office, 2005)


Richardson, G., and Genn, H. (eds), Administrative Law and Government Action (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994)


Seneviratne, M., Ombudsmen—Public Services and Administrative Justice (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002)


Smith, R. G., Medical Discipline, The Professional Conduct Jurisdiction of the General Medical Council, 1858-1990 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994)


Woolf, Lord, Jowell, J., Le Sueur, A. P., and Donnelly, C. M., De Smith’s Judicial Review of Administrative Action (7th edn, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2013)

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