Chapter 3 Sample answers for in-book discussion questions

Perceiving Others

2. Consider the cultural influences on perception described in this chapter. How might the common perceptual tendency to assume that others are like us create problems in Canada’s multicultural society?

Because our cultural backgrounds strongly influence our attitudes, beliefs, and values, the way we communicate often reflects these factors. In our multicultural society, the beliefs that we have about interpersonal communication are quite different. The problems that can result if we hold on to the idea that others think, behave, and act like us are detrimental to our interpersonal relationships. For example, we may not appreciate someone’s silence or minimal talk during an argument or debate. Furthermore, we may interpret this quiet behaviour as the person not caring about the issue and oftentimes this will make us more judgmental and more angry or frustrated.

Being open-minded about the differences in what each culture values related to communication is very important. We need to withhold judgment until we know more about why a person is behaving or responding in a different way than we would.

3. In what types of situations can our common tendencies in perception work to our advantage, and where would these same tendencies work to our disadvantage?

An advantage of the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias is that they may allow us to feel good about ourselves (albeit at the expense of another person). These biases can help us to brush off things that bother us by changing our focus of attention and also by deciding whom we prefer to communicate with and why.

Some disadvantages are clear. Biases quickly lead to false judgments and stereotyping of others on our part. They can also cause major relational dissatisfaction by seeing issues or the person in only one way—your way. Biases also influence our expectations about others, and these expectations may be inaccurate and negatively judgmental.

4. Some communication researchers argue that empathy is perhaps the most important element of communication competence. Would you agree or disagree? Why?

Because empathy allows us to “walk in someone else’s shoes” it gives us a more emotional and personal response to someone’s perspective. Interpersonal relationships demand the qualities of empathy in order to grow positively and intimately. Trust and comfort are two important aspects that empathy provides in relationships. When we are committed to our interpersonal relationships, having the ability to be open-minded and taking the other’s perspective provides clarity for both us and the other person.

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