Perceiving Others

We have learned how automatically we tend to use biases and make judgments when perceiving the behaviour of others. These exercises will get you to consider how common biases are and use perception-checking to clarify the person’s behaviour as a strategy to minimize wrong assumptions about others’ behaviour.

For each scenario below:

  1. Provide your initial perception of why the person is behaving in the manner described; and
  2. Check your perception! Provide an example of perception-checking dialogue using the three steps in the text (p. 101).

Nursing Scenario

After being asked by one of the unit clerks in your department for assistance with organizing the new patient files when they are ready to be triaged, you made what you thought was an excellent suggestion to her to simplify and speed up the process. Despite this, the unit clerk looked uninterested but said she would try to make these changes shortly. Three weeks have passed and nothing has changed, and she is still complaining about the confusing process. This makes you somewhat unsympathetic.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You are the unit clerk in a department that is unorganized and in chaos. You started working here about six months ago and the mess is piling up. New patient files are not organized and you are trying to implement an organization system, but it is hard because you are the only one who seems to care about getting the department in order. You asked for help almost a month ago to implement your new system, but no one likes change.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

Business Scenario

You asked your window installer to provide you with both the number of clients awaiting their installation and those waiting for an estimate on installation before the end of the week. She indicated that this was no problem and she would have it to you by last Friday. This assessment needs to be provided to you because you are looking to finance expansion of the company. It is a week past the Friday when the assessment was to be given to you. You are not happy.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You are a window installer for a large company. Your main contact has been breathing down your neck the past week about getting an estimate done. You told him/her that estimates take time because you want to be sure you include every possible product that needs to be included in the estimate, right down to the window cleaner for after the windows are installed. You take how you make your assessments very seriously and sometimes an assessment can take up to three weeks depending on the size of the project. You gave this contact a timeline of last Friday but clearly need more time.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

Communication Scenarios

A friend from work has not joined you for your regular coffee break and chat during the past four days even though you’ve left her messages to let her know that you miss her and would like for her to join you for a coffee break. She usually responds to your messages or joins you without connecting, but over the last four days, she hasn’t responded. You are a bit concerned about the lack of response.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You work with one of your close friends in the same company. You have been sick and away from the office and felt a cold response when you walked by her office this morning. You usually go to coffee together, but because you have been away, you are working through your coffee time. To top it all off, when you returned to work yesterday afternoon, your phone and Internet were not working in your office. You are waiting to hear from IT support about when they will have your phone and Internet up and working. In the meantime, you have deadlines to get a project proposal to your manager from three days ago.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You and your partner usually surprise each other with small gifts on the monthly anniversary of your first date. Your partner hasn’t sent you a note, presented you with a gift, or even mentioned your anniversary this month.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You are working on a group project for your communication class. Someone in your group seems to criticize each suggestion you make about the project.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________

You are at a coffee bar and are waiting to pay for your drink. Your server appears to glance in your direction yet does not stop when you attempt to make eye contact.

Initial Perception: ________________

Perception-checking technique:

  1. Describe the behaviour you have noticed. ________________
  2. Offer two or more possible interpretations of the behaviour. ________________
  3. Ask for clarification. ________________
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