Communication and the Self

Quiz Content

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. The positive cycle between self-esteem and communication behaviour includes ________.

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. The negative cycle between self-esteem and communication behaviour includes ________.

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. The self-concept is ________.

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. Characteristics of impression management include the following: ________.

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. Erving Goffman used the word face to describe what is meant by ________.

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. In the Johari Window, the information of which you are unaware, but that the other person knows, is the ________.

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. Risks of self-disclosure include ________.

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. There are two cycles that relate to the relationship between self-esteem and communication behaviour: positive and neutral.

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. Self-concept develops through reflected appraisal and social comparison.

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. Impression management refers to the communication strategies that people use to influence how others view them.

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. We have public selves, but not private selves.

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. Not all self-disclosure is equally revealing because some disclosing messages tell more about us than others do.

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. The most intimate relationships are those in which disclosure is great in depth but not breadth.

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