Chapter 12 Sample answers for in-book discussion questions

Work, Group, and Team Communication

1. What functions can informal communication serve in a workplace? Are they important? Why or why not?

As discussed in the chapter, informal communication serves many relational purposes in the workplace. Informal communication is used among friends at work, to share personal stories, and to discuss career interests. In this way, informal communication is important for employees to feel connected to others and to solicit advice about work, projects, and personal needs. Connecting with others at work is important for a positive communication climate where people enjoy working with one another and enjoy their jobs more. When formal communication in the workplace is negative or inefficient, the ability to connect with other employees can often clarify roles, tasks, and expectations that may not be clearly defined.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working on virtual teams. What steps can be taken to mitigate some of the drawbacks of relying so heavily on computer-mediated communication to get work done?

The advantages of working in virtual teams can transcend the boundaries of location and time. With changing business practices moving internationally, companies have the opportunity to work 24/7 with business partners across the globe. Most companies have access to email and other networking applications that can also provide an opportunity to advertise quickly and easily. A disadvantage of working in virtual groups is that they place a limitation on physical interaction when conflict arises and needs to be dealt with. In addition, mediated communication can also be unclear and complex when dealing with different business cultures and etiquette. Sometimes, mediated communication can cause unrealistic expectations among groups. New business assumptions of open hours and work time can pose problems for members of the group who do not meet these open expectations. There are some ways to mitigate these drawbacks. Mediated communication, especially globally, requires business communication training and opportunities for communication growth with respect to diversity, culture, and communication styles. Technology today can also allow for “facetime” meetings, which allow virtual groups to “see” one another and discuss or collaborate in real time. This can be particularly effective when expectations need to be clarified or idea generation is necessary.

4. Are there situations where the use of coercive power is appropriate? When, why, or why not?

Coercive power seems to be necessary when the person in power has pressure to make decisions quickly. However, coercive power is not effective in the long-term. It leads to employee dissatisfaction and decreases commitment and productivity. Members should avoid using coercive power in their groups in order to avoid creating a negative and defensive communication climate and choose other types of power that are more appropriate in gaining creative, cooperative, and satisfied employees.

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