Communication in Close Relationships: Friends, Family, and Romantic Partners

Quiz Content

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. Anthropologist Robin Dunbar suggests that people have the capacity to be intimately connected with only about ________ people at a time.

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. When one partner in a heterosexual cross-sex friendship wants romance, but fears the other does not, the relationship fits into the following category: ________.

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. A person may violate his friend's expectations if he were to ________.

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. Effective communication in families involves the following guideline: ________.

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. Dealing constructively with family conflict does NOT include ________.

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. Families as communication systems have the following characteristics: ________.

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. Sternberg's triangular theory of love includes all of the following components EXCEPT ________.

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. Recent studies confirm that both men and women value same-sex friendships for both emotional support and shared activities.

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. Communication scholars continue to define families in terms of their biological relationships rather than their interactions.

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. Families who are low in conversation orientation and high in conformity orientation are protective families.

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. One issue families frequently struggle with is power.

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. Consummate love is the easiest form of love for couples to achieve.

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. People who are single are more likely to lead poorer relational lives.

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