Chapter 20 Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 20 Multiple Choice Questions

d-Metal complexes: electronic structure and properties

Quiz Content

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1. The crystal field theory is defective because:

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2. Which statement is correct about the species CN, Cl, and CO?

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3. The ligand field strength depends not only on the ligands but also on the central metal ion. Thus the relative magnitudes of Δ0 for Mn2+, Ir3+, and Pt4+ are ______, ______, and ______, respectively:

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4. Which statement is correct?

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5. According to the Jahn-Teller theorem:

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6. According to the ligand field theory:

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7. According to the ligand field theory:

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8. If the metal is in high oxidation state and the ligands contain nonbonding electrons, then:

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9. A spectroscopic selection rule distinguishes forbidden from allowed transitions:

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10. Complexes can emit radiation as a result of electronic excitation following absorption of electromagnetic energy.

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