Quiz Content

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. The authors place us in Stonehenge to begin our study of the world's religions. Which is the correct scholarly, chronological designation for the period in human history when Stonehenge was built? (Page 4)

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. Among the theorized ritual uses of the site at Stonehenge the authors describe its possible function as an early astronomical observatory. Which of the following do modern scholars believe would have been of significance to the people who gathered at Stonehenge in the Neolithic period? (Page 4)

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. What do the Roman festival of Saturnalia and the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ have in common? (Page 4)

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. What does the term "sacred" mean? (Page 5)

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. Across human religious traditions there has been a propensity for dividing the world into three parts. Which of these corresponds to the most common pattern? (Page 5)

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. The concept of "animal spirits" is usually associated with which form of human culture? (Page 5)

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. What religious significance do the authors attach to what they term "high places"? (Page 5)

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. Which figure is an example of a category of ritual specialist found across many different religious traditions? (Page 7)

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. What do scholars use the term "axis mundi" to refer to? (Page 9)

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. In modern scholarly usage, what does the term "Indo-European" refer to? (Page 10)

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. What gender norm is expressed through the symbolism of the "bull god"? (Page 10)

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. How would the worship of a symbol such as the bull god be characterized within the context of Judaism? (Page 10)

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. What type of priesthood was associated with the religious traditions rooted in Indo-European cultures? (Page 11)

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. The first Jewish temple was built under the auspices of which historical figure? (Page 11)

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. During the classical Greek period, the Oracle at Delphi was associated with Apollo. However, predating this association, which deity was the Oracle originally associated with? (Page 12)

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. In Hinduism, which caste is associated with the priesthood? (Page 10)

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. What term can be applied to describe certain religious traditions' concepts of a god becoming incarnate in human flesh? (Page 16)

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. The focus upon the Torah in Judaism is an example of what sort of religious activity? (Page 17)

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. When do scholars assert that the Christian gospels were written? (Page 18)

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