Chapter 5 Study Questions

  1. What are the differences between static and motion contrast?
  2. What are the differences between endogenous and exogenous contrast?
  3. What is TR?
  4. What is TE?
  5. What property of tissue does a proton density image show? What TR and TE are needed to achieve proton density imaging?
  6. What do T1-weighted images show? What TR and TE are needed to achieve T1-weighting?
  7. What do T2-weighted images show? What TR and TE are needed to achieve T2-weighting?
  8. How are T1 and T2 images different in what they show? That is, why might someone use a T2 image instead of a T1 image, or vice-versa?
  9. What do T2* images show? What TR and TE are needed to achieve T2*-weighting?
  10. Do T2* images require the use of magnetic gradients or electromagnetic pulses to form the MR signal echo? Why?
  11. How does chemical shift imaging work? How might it be useful for measuring brain function?
  12. What is MR angiography (MRA)? Why might exogenous contrast agents be used in MRA?
  13. What does diffusion-weighted imaging measure? What is the ADC, and what does it represent?
  14. Why might diffusion be anisotropic? What does FA represent? What aspects of brain structure are most commonly studied using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)?
  15. What does perfusion MRI measure?
  16. What is arterial spin labeling?
  17. How does echo-planar imaging sample k-space?
  18. What are magnetic susceptibility artifacts?
  19. How does spiral imaging sample k-space?
  20. What is parallel (or multiple-channel) imaging? Why has it become so popular?
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