Chapter 4 Study Questions
- What is an image? What do MR images represent?
- Explain the following equation in simple language:
- What happens to transverse magnetization over time as a result of T2 decay?
- Explain the following sentence: “The total signal measured in MRI combines the changes in net magnetization generated by every excited voxel.”
- Why are magnetic field gradients important for image formation?
- What is slice selection? How is it typically accomplished in MRI?
- Why do most fMRI imaging sequences use interleaved slice acquisition?
- Why are some gradients called “frequency encoding gradients” and others called “phase encoding gradients”?
- What is the Fourier transform, and when is it used in MRI?
- Why must excitation pulses have the form of a sine function in order to excite a rectangular slice?
- What is the definition of a point in k-space? How is k-space different from normal image space?
- How does the center of k-space contribute to an image? How does the periphery of k-space contribute to an image?
- What is reconstruction?
- If we want an image with a higher spatial resolution, how must we change our sampling of k-space? What if we want an image with a larger field of view?
- Why do gradient inhomogeneities cause stretching or skewing of images? Refer to the concept of k-space in your answer.