Chapter 3 Study Questions
- What is the difference between “magnetic moment” and “angular momentum”? How do physicists describe nuclei that possess both?
- What is precession? What kind of objects precess and why?
- What is net magnetization?
- What is the difference between longitudinal magnetization and transverse magnetization?
- What happens during excitation?
- What is the gyromagnetic ratio? Why is it important for MRI?
- What are the parallel and antiparallel states of a nucleus? How does a nucleus change from one state to the other?
- What is the Larmor frequency? How does it relate to the gyromagnetic ratio? How does it relate to magnetic resonance?
- How does the net magnetization of a spin system (e.g., a set of atomic nuclei in a voxel) change over time when exposed to a strong magnetic field?
- How is an excitation pulse calibrated to have maximum effect upon a spin system?
- Why does the net magnetization need to be tipped from the longitudinal plane to the transverse plane?
- What is off-resonance excitation, why does it occur, and what are its consequences?
- How do we measure MR signal?
- What is T1 relaxation? Does it relate primarily to longitudinal or transverse magnetization? Is it best thought of as recovery or decay?
- What is T2 relaxation? Does it relate primarily to longitudinal or transverse magnetization? Is it best thought of as recovery or decay?
- What is T2* relaxation? Does it relate primarily to longitudinal or transverse magnetization? Is it best thought of as recovery or decay?
- Why is T2* relaxation important for fMRI?
- What is the Bloch equation, and why is it important?