Chapter 2 Study Questions
- What are the three main components of an MRI scanner, as associated with the mnemonic “M-R-I”?
- How does an MRI scanner generate the main magnetic field? What two criteria are important for the main magnetic field?
- How strong, in units, are the magnetic fields in the MRI scanners typically used for fMRI?
- Why are superconducting electromagnets necessary for MRI?
- What are the differences between volume coils, surface coils, and phased array coils?
- Why are gradients necessary for image generation? What sorts of coils are used to generate these gradients?
- What is shimming, and why is it important?
- Why might researchers want to monitor physiological changes like cardiac and respiratory rate during an fMRI experiment?
- Describe the procedures of a typical fMRI experiment, beginning with recruitment of the subject.
- What sorts of conditions/problems would prevent someone from being a subject in an fMRI experiment?
- What effects do very strong static magnetic fields have upon human tissue?
- In one experimental report, 45% of subjects reported unusual sensations when entering the bore of a 4-T scanner. What was most important yet surprising about this result?
- What happens to metal brought within the static magnetic field? Consider both large external objects (e.g., oxygen canisters) and small internal devices (e.g., aneurysm clips).
- What effects do the changing gradient fields have upon the human body? How can these effects be minimized?
- What is SAR? Why is it important for fMRI?
- Why is it important to avoid looping wires or necklaces near the head coil?
- What are the most common health risks for MRI studies? How can those risks be minimized?