Chapter 14 Study Questions
- How might fMRI data be misrepresented in news articles targeted to a general audience? What aspects of fMRI pose challenges for its media coverage?
- What are circular analyses? When have they arisen in reports of fMRI research?
- How can fMRI researchers prevent circular analyses?
- What is peer review? Why is it critical for scientific research, including for studies using fMRI?
- What principles underlie the ethical conduct of research with human subjects?
- How do researchers obtain permission from their institutional review board (or similar agency) to conduct a research project? What must they demonstrate?
- Why has confidentiality of fMRI data become an increasingly important issue in recent years?
- What are “incidental findings” in MRI studies?
- What procedures do you think fMRI researchers should adopt to deal with incidental findings?
- Suppose that fMRI data had some (albeit imperfect) prognostic validity, specifically with predicting that an asymptomatic individual might develop a particular disease. What ethical issues does that raise?
- How can fMRI researchers improve the robustness of their safety procedures?
- Some policymakers and scientists have expressed concern about the use of fMRI to tell lies from true statements in a legal setting. Based on what you have learned, do you think fMRI data should be admissible as evidence?
- What are the capabilities and limitations of using fMRI to read the contents of mental states?
- How might fMRI be used for evaluating individuals’ traits? What ethical issues does this raise?
- As fMRI has matured as a technique, it has been applied to many new research questions and disciplines. What positive consequences have resulted? What challenges have arisen?