Chapter 13 Study Questions
- Define “converging operations.”
- What problems exist with searching for the brain regions that support a psychological construct like “attention” or “intelligence”? Given these problems, how can these constructs be studied using fMRI?
- Why does neural or physiological activity not have to be isomorphic with the time course of the underlying psychological construct?
- What are the differences between manipulation and measurement techniques in neuroscience?
- What are the effects of direct cortical stimulation using electrodes upon brain activity? Provide examples from particular brain regions.
- What is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)?
- What makes TMS a complementary technique to fMRI? What sorts of questions that cannot be answered using either independently can be answered by using both?
- What advantages do brain lesion studies provide over studies using neuroimaging techniques? What are the major limitations of brain lesion studies?
- What is “imaging genomics”?
- What physiological processes associated with neuronal activity lead to measurable changes in electrical potential?
- What do single-unit recordings measure?
- What are the limitations of single-unit recordings of neuronal activity?
- Under what conditions can single-unit recording be conducted in humans?
- What is the difference between EEG and ERP?
- How can ERPs be used to constrain interpretations of fMRI data?
- Why does the “inverse problem” impair accurate localization of the neural generators of scalp-recorded electrophysiological data?
- What is magnetoencephalography? What are its advantages as compared to fMRI?
- Why might researchers collect fMRI data from nonhuman animals (as opposed to direct neuronal recordings in those animals)?
- Why is it important for scientists to base their research programs on questions and not techniques?