Chapter 12 Study Questions
- How does the relative spatial resolution of MRI compare to that of other neuroscience techniques?
- How does the relative temporal resolution of MRI compare to that of other neuroscience techniques?
- What spatial resolution can be achieved with very high-resolution MRI? How does this compare to the resolution of fMRI?
- What is quantitative susceptibility mapping?
- How could high-resolution fMRI help answer questions about causality?
- What is partial k-space imaging?
- How has MRI hardware changed to facilitate high-spatial-resolution fMRI?
- What is compressed sensing?
- How could multi-band imaging increase the rate of slice acquisition?
- Why do researchers seek to develop new forms of non-BOLD contrast?
- What are some potential physiological variables that might become important forms of fMRI contrast?
- How have researchers used MRI to measure neuronal activity directly?