Web links: Chapter 02
Much of tort law is shaped by the political, social and economic context of the time in which the various cases were decided. Many of these events occurred when the vast majority of you were either very young – or not even born! Below are a links to video and news clips of some of the most important events discussed in this chapter and at various points in the book.
Warning: these links contain material which some may find distressing.
From the BBC News archives
On This Day: 8 October 1987 – the Zeebrugge disaster
On This Day: 18 November 1987 – the King's Cross underground fire
On This Day: 16 July 1988 – the Piper Alphaoil rig fire
On This Day: 15 April 1989: Football fans crushed at Hillsborough
On This day: Themes: Margaret Thatcher
A large collection of archived video and audio footage – as well as BBC new reports
Donoghue v Stevenson
An ‘alternative’ take on the famous case
X, Y (Protected parties represented by their litigation friend the Official Solicitor) v London Borough of Hounslow
The following links will give you some of the background and academic discussion of the case
On the council's appeal against the decision in X, Y
On the Court of Appeal’s decision
A blog post discussing the Court of Appeal decision
A blog post discussing the ECtHR application – Caroline Cross, ‘Was local authority responsible for harassment campaign against vulnerable adults?’ 25 November 2010
Newspaper report on the ECtHR’s decision to strike out X&Y’s application after they agreed to a £70K settlement
An interview with one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha Oil disaster from the Today programme, 5 July 2008
Note: the ECtHR struck out X&Y’s application after they agreed to a £70K settlement
X, Y & Z v the United Kingdom - 32666/10 [2011] ECHR 1199 (5 July 2011) (ECtHR)
The case is discussed in the Journal of Housing Law Volume 12 Issue 1, 2009 (A Landlord’s Liability for the Acts of its Tenants: X v Hounslow LBC and Mitchell v Glasgow City Council, Faisel Sadiq and Justin Bates).
Donoghue v Stevenson
X, Y (Protected parties represented by their litigation friend the Official Solicitor) v London Borough of Hounslow (QBD)
X, Y (Protected parties represented by their litigation friend the Official Solicitor) v London Borough of Hounslow (CA)
X, Y & Z v the United Kingdom - 32666/10 [2011] ECHR 1199 (5 July 2011) (ECtHR)