Part 5 Self-test questions

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. The court has to decide in a dispute between David and Vicki. David and Vicki have three children and cannot decide with whom the children should live following their divorce.
Which is correct?

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. Belle and Nicolas have two children: a boy aged 7 and a girl, aged 15 years old. Belle and Nicolas are separated and cannot agree over where the children shall live, and the matter comes before the courts. Belle has always gone to work, leaving Nicholas to look after the children but Belle has always spent as much time as she can with the children. If the children move in with Nicolas, they will have to change schools. Both children wish their parents to remain together.
Which of the following is correct?

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. Jacob is married to Deborah and they have become parents in the last six months. A lawyer friend has told them that they have parental responsibility for their child. Deborah and Jacob wish to know more about parental responsibility.
Which is incorrect?

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. Mabel and Dan have been 'dating' for six months when Mabel discovers that she is pregnant. Dan asks Mabel to marry him but Mabel refuses. Mabel gives birth to a daughter, Jill. Dan is very upset to find that he has not been mentioned on Jill's birth certificate. Mabel starts a relationship with Jim and moves in with him. Dan wishes to know more about his legal rights as Jill's natural father.
Which of the following is not true?

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. Mark and Sheila are married. They have a son, Billy, aged 10. Mark's daughter, Primrose aged 13, lives with them after a CAO was made in Mark's favour for where Billy should live. Sheila's daughter from a prior marriage, Elizabeth, aged 3, lives with Sheila's ex-husband Frank, but regularly has contact with Sheila and Mark.
Which is correct?

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. Maria and Simon have two children, Alice and Daniel, aged 4 and 6 years old. Maria and Simon never married and recently separated after several violent arguments. Alice and Daniel went to live with their mother and see their father occasionally. Simon starts a relationship with Dawn. The children tell Maria that Dawn is a drug addict but Simon denies this. Maria also starts a new relationship with Tim and Simon is unhappy about this. He wishes the children to live with him as he does not want the children to have a new 'father'.
Which of the following is correct?

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. Sylvia recently separated from Robert (they were never married). Their son, Phillip aged 14, lives with Robert because he prefers to live with his father. Robert obtains a CAO from his local court for Phillip to live with him. Things don't run smoothly as Sylvia and Robert cannot agree on Phillip's surname. Phillip wishes to take his father's name instead of his mother's. Robert wishes to take Phillip on holiday to New Zealand and Sylvia does not want Phillip to go as she believes that Robert wishes to emigrate.
Which is incorrect?

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. Paula receives an application for a CAO from her ex-husband Alan. Paula left Alan as he was violent to her and the children. She would be happy to allow Alan to have contact over the telephone at first to ensure the children are safe. Paula wishes to know more about CAO and what would happen if she refused to obey a court order.
Which is correct?

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. Geraldine and Hugo are grandparents to Millie, aged 6. Millie's mother, Harriet, is a drug addict who is increasingly unable to look after Millie. Millie's father is unknown. One night, Harriet brings Millie to stay with her grandparents. Harriet does not return for Millie the following day and telephones Geraldine to tell her to 'hang on to the kid while I sort my head out'. Geraldine and Hugo are so concerned about Millie's welfare that they decide to seek an order so that she can live with them.
Which of the following is correct?

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. Molly wishes to apply for a CAO for her daughter Madeleine. She tells you that there has been domestic violence in her relationship with Mike. Molly was recently married to Mike (who she married after she divorced Eric, Madeleine's father). Mike had gained PR for Madeleine with Eric's agreement shortly after his marriage to Molly. Mike has told Madeleine that she should come and live with him
Which of the following is the best advice?

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. You are starting a seat in family law and are thinking about applying for s8 orders for a number of new clients.
Which is incorrect?

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. Robert and Jane have a daughter, Amelia, aged 2 years. The couple were not married but Robert has a CAO for Amelia and she lives with him. Both parents wish to take Amelia on holiday separately but seek advice on whether they can.
Which is correct?

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. Anthony believes that his ex-wife Melinda may have taken their daughter, Catherine, to Australia. Melinda is Australian and has often expressed the desire to return. Anthony found out that Melinda has bought two tickets to Australia to fly tomorrow, has packed up her house and Catherine's teacher told him that Catherine had told her she was excited about her new school in Sydney. Melinda is not answering her phone.
Anthony has a CAO for contact with his daughter as Melinda has tried very hard to prevent him seeing his daughter and has warned Melinda on many occasions not to try and take Catherine to Australia. Anthony comes into your office and seeks urgent advice.
Which is incorrect?

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. Melinda has taken her daughter Catherine from England to Australia without the permission of Catherine's father, Anthony, after their recent divorce based on his violence towards her. Anthony has a CAO for spending time with his daughter. Anthony is extremely anxious to secure the return of his daughter and seeks legal advice. Australia is a signatory to the Hague Convention.
Which is incorrect?

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. The threshold criteria are central to understanding public child law. Please select all that apply.

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. Shay is a four-year-old boy. His mother, Hannah, is a drug addict who is having trouble looking after Shay. Shay's father is in prison for a serious assault on Hannah. Hannah has a new boyfriend, Liam. Liam drinks heavily. Hannah and Liam have a party one night and put Shay in his bed. In the morning, they find that Shay has drunk a quantity of alcohol left lying around the flat. Shay is taken to hospital where he becomes seriously ill and blood tests reveal he has taken some drugs. The hospital contact social services to investigate whether the threshold criteria has been met.
Which of the following is incorrect?

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. Tommy is aged 6 years old and has severe autism. Tommy cannot speak and has severe behavioural problems. His parents find Tommy hard to cope with on their own and ask their local authority for help.
Which is correct?

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. Hannah has a four-year-old boy called Shay and lives with Liam, her new boyfriend. Shay has been in hospital recently after taking some drugs he found in the house. This morning the local authority has been contacted by the local police to say that both Hannah and Liam were in custody on suspicion of drug offences. Shay was initially taken into police protection and then placed with temporary foster parents. After six hours, Hannah and Liam are released on bail and take Shay home from his temporary foster care. They then refuse to speak to social workers or attend appointments.
Which of the following is correct?

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. A local authority gains a care order for Shay, on the basis of the poor standard of care from his mother, Hannah, her drug problems and the risk of continued significant harm. Shay's father, Adam, came forward during care proceedings and wishes Shay to come and live with him in France to start a new life. Hannah wishes Shay to live with her and so is opposed to Shay living with Adam.
Which of the following is correct?

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. A client is confused about the differences and similarities between care and supervision orders.
Which of the following is correct?

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. A local authority makes an application for an emergency protection order in a magistrates' court.
Which is incorrect?

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. A local authority applies for an Emergency Protection Order (EPO) and your client wishes to know more about the order and its effect.
Which is incorrect?

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. Janice is a social worker who has been given her first care case to look after. Janice seeks advice on what should be compiled prior to the issue of proceedings.
Which is incorrect?

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. Janice is a social worker who wishes to issue a case and prepare for the first appointment in a care case which she is supervising. Please select all that apply.

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. You are a trainee solicitor and your client has been invited to attend a child protection conference. Your client wishes to know who can and cannot attend a child protection conference.
Which is incorrect?

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