SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, RELs and RFLs – this is the new code of conduct which applies to solicitors in practice, as well as RELs and RFLs. As well as the rules, the Code also has notes for guidance, which are extremely helpful.
Resolution – Family Law Solicitors Association. Resolution is the leading solicitors family law association and the website contains many useful features. Students taking the LPC course are entitled to a year’s free membership, which gives access to a wide set of resources.
Law Society Practice Note on Money Laundering – this practice note gives guidance to firms on money laundering and the practitioner when dealing with clients.
There are many websites offering information and guidance on family law. In order to keep up to date, the website Family Law Week is highly recommended and is free.
A very informative and thoughtful blog on various issues of family law is Pink Tape.
For a more irreverent take on family law, try the excellent Family Lore blog.