Edkins, Jenny (2008) “Why do we obey?” in Maja Zehfuss and Jenny Edkins (eds.) Global Politics: A New Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge, 123-146. An overview of different forms of power used by the state to elicit citizens’ obedience and the kinds of resistance that can emerge when legitimacy of this power is called into question.

Enloe, Cynthia (2002) “Margins, silence, and bottom rungs: how to overcome the underestimation of power in the study of international relations”, in Smith, Booth, and Zalewski (Eds.) International Theory: Positivism and Beyond. CUP. A discussion of how power functions to reproduce the distribution of resources and political visibility in a way that divides the material and symbolic “centre” from the “margins”. It explains how marginality must be conceived always in relation to processes through which power is located in certain spaces among certain groups.

Foucault, Michel (1998) The History of Sexuality 1: The Will to Knowledge. London: Penguin. This book contains a discussion of Foucault’s understanding of power as not simply repressive and restrictive but also as productive and ever-present.

Mattern, Janice Bially (2008) “The Concept of Power and the (Un)Discipline of International Relations,” in Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal (eds.) Oxford Handbook of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 691-698. A discussion of the treatment of power within the discipline of International Relations and the need for greater dialogue and consolidation among scholars on ways of theorizing power.

Nyers, Peter and Rygiel, Kim (eds.) (2012) Citizenship, Migrant Activism and the Politics of Movement. New York: Routledge. An edited volume including empirical and theoretical research on different ways that unauthorized migrants resist the power located within oppressive migration regimes.

Sayer, Andrew (2012) “Power, Causality and Normativity: A Critical Realist Critique of Foucault,” Journal of Political Power 5(2):179-194. A paper offering a critical engagement with Foucault’s conception of power as omnipresent, arguing that the latter is also consistent with other readings of power as having causality.

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