
Online encyclopaedia entry about social contract theory which explains the significance of the latter for dominant state models of authority and sovereignty.


“Indigenous sovereignty in storytelling and identity-making” webinar that debates and draws attention to indigenous forms of knowledge and sovereignty.

Indigenous Sovereignty in the 21st Century” talk by Michael Lerma at UC Davis about the contemporary articulations of indigenous sovereignty in north America.


Buzan, Barry and George Lawson, “The Global Transformation: The Nineteenth Century and the Making of Modern International Relations,” International Studies Quarterly, Volume 57, Issue 3 (2013), 620-634. An article arguing that processes of state-building and industrialization that developed and intensified over the 19th century have been overlooked in IR scholarship yet are crucial for understanding contemporary issues within the discipline.

Osiander, Andreas (2001) Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth. International Organization 55(2): 251-287. An article that argues the narrative of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia as providing the foundation for the current international system is a myth, which was developed in the two centuries following the treaties in question based on the concern for sovereignty defining that period.

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